
For infants and children infected with HIV younger than 3 years, ABC + 3TC + AZT is
recommended as an option for children who develop TB while on an ART regimen containing
NVP or LPV/r. Once TB therapy has been completed, this regimen should be stopped and the
initial regimen should be restarted.


Antiretroviral therapy is recommended for all patients with HIV and drug-resistant TB requiring
second-line antituberculosis drugs irrespective of CD4 cell count, as early as possible (within
the first 8 weeks) following initiation of antituberculosis treatment.


• Protective equipment (particulate respirator masks that meet or exceed N95 standards
set by the CDC/NIOSH or the FFP2 standards that are CE certified) should be provided
for health workers caring for patients with infectious TB (suspected or confirmed).


• Inform and encourage health workers with TB symptoms to undergo TB diagnostic
investigation as well as HIV testing and counselling.
• Provide a package of care for HIV positive-workers (ART and isoniazid preventive therapy).
• Relocation for health workers living with HIV to a lower-risk area.


• A triage system should be in place to identify people suspected of having TB and minimize
diagnostic delays with rapid diagnostics e.g. Xpert MTB/RIF.
• Separate people with suspected or confirmed TB
• Ensure cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene
• Minimize the time spent in health-care facilities (e.g. through community-based approaches).