

Children with suspected or confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis or tuberculous
peripheral lymphadenitis who live in settings with low HIV prevalence or low
resistance to isoniazid and children who are HIV-negative can be treated with a threedrug regimen (HRZ) for 2 months followed by a two-drug (HR) regimen for 4 months at the following dosages:
isoniazid (H) – 10 mg/kg (range 10–15 mg/kg); maximum dose 300 mg/day
rifampicin (R) – 15 mg/kg (range 10–20 mg/kg); maximum dose 600 mg/day
pyrazinamide (Z) – 35 mg/kg (30–40 mg/kg).


Children living in settings where the prevalence of the HIV is high or where
resistance to isoniazid is high, or both, with suspected or confirmed pulmonary
tuberculosis or peripheral lymphadenitis; or children with extensive pulmonary
disease living in settings of low HIV prevalence or low isoniazid resistance, should be
treated with a four-drug regimen (HRZE) for 2 months followed by a two-drug
regimen (HR) for 4 months at the following dosages:
isoniazid (H) – 10 mg/kg (range 10–15 mg/kg); maximum dose 300 mg/day


Given the risk of drug-induced hepatotoxicity, WHO recommends the following
dosages of antituberculosis medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis in children:
isoniazid (H) – 10 mg/kg (range 10–15 mg/kg); maximum dose 300 mg/day
rifampicin (R) – 15 mg/kg (range 10–20 mg/kg); maximum dose 600 mg/day
pyrazinamide (Z) – 35 mg/kg (30–40 mg/kg)
ethambutol (E) – 20 mg/kg (15–25 mg/kg).


Three times weekly dosing throughout therapy [2(HRZE)3/4(HR)3] may be
used as another alternative to Recommendation 2.1, provided that every
dose is directly observed and the patient is NOT living with HIV or living in
an HIV-prevalent setting.