1.3 Summary of recommendations

Table 1.1 summarizes all existing WHO recommendations2 that relate to HIV-associated TB in adults, as published in the WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 6: tuberculosis and comorbidities. HIV-associated TB (in press). Some recommendations will however also be relevant for children and adolescents. A full summary of recommendations on HIV-associated TB for children and adolescents specifically, can be found in the WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 5: management of TB in children and adolescents (8). Other recommendations for TB screening, diagnosis, treatment and care for people regardless of HIV status are also applicable and have been published in the respective modules of the WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis (8-15).

Table 1.1. Recommendations in the WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 6: TB and comorbidities. HIV-associated TB


2 Updates to recommendations will be found on the WHO TB knowledge sharing platform (https://tbksp.org/) and on the WHO HIV/ AIDS page (https://www.who.int/health-topics/hiv-aids).

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