Annex 3. Costing considerations for programmatic management of TB preventive treatment

When preparing a budget for PMTPT, the following considerations need to be made given that these are major cost determinants:

Estimated burden

– Populations of each target group (People with HIV, contacts, clinical risk groups, other risk groups)

– Number of households and other sites (health facilities, ARV centres) to be covered for expansion of TPT activities

Investigation of target populations

– Test for TB infection (TST/IGRA) as per national policy (such as test equipment general supplies, procurement fees for supplies, specimen collection and transport)

– Access to chest radiography services as per national policy (such as free vouchers for individuals, outsourcing chest radiography services to private providers)

– Referral for investigation (such as travel support for contacts, specimen collection and transportation)

Human resources

‒ Hiring additional personnel/incentives for community workers or volunteers

‒ Contact investigation

▪ Transport of health care workers to

▪ Transport of contacts to facilities for TB screening, investigation and TPT

‒ TPT provision and follow-up

‒ Laboratory work

‒ Supervision and monitoring

‒ Drug distribution and management

‒ Capacity building and support

▪ Training for health care workers at different levels

▪ Job-aids

TB preventive treatment

– Costs of medications for the regimens for different at-risk populations

– Procurement (such as freight, procurement fees, warehousing, repacking)

– Additional drug costs (such as buffer stock, procurement of supportive medicines like vitamin B6)

– Adherence support (such as phone calls, SMS, video communication, additional home visits)

Demand creation

– Advocacy with policy makers and key stakeholders

– Sensitization of specialists and health care workers

– Community sensitization of TB survivors, People with HIV networks, and others

– Counselling of index patient/family counselling

– Health education material for at-risk populations and their family

Monitoring and evaluation

‒ Data system(s) to aim for electronic tools for recording and reporting

‒ Update existing tools or create new ones for TB and/or HIV recording to capture key data elements for programmatic indicators and clinical management (such as adverse events)

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